There are pancakes, and then there are pancakes. Like, there are your run-of-the-mill prepackaged mix pancakes, and they’re fine. And then there are these. Fluffy, thick, sweet, somehow both dense and cake-like, and completely decadent and delicious.
Let’s be real here- it’s cake for breakfast. And it’s amazing.

At my house, Saturdays are for slowing down and making a special breakfast together. I am usually Team Waffle, while my son is a champion for pancakes.

But we can both get fully on board for these Chocolate Chip Pancakes.

Making pancakes from scratch requires about 5 more minutes, and makes them at least 5 times more delicious. That’s some good breakfast math.

A few things make these pancakes divine:
• First- Don’t overmix! Mix just until moistened. The batter will be thick, don’t be scarred.
• Then, go ahead and use butter on your griddle. Sure, you can use cooking spray but let’s just be honest with ourselves here for a minute. If we’re making these pancakes for breakfast, we’re not exactly setting ourselves up for a low calorie day. Cooking the pancakes in butter lends to a browned, crisp and delicious crust to the pancakes, and you don’t want to skip it.
• Lastly, watch the bubbles as you cook. You want the bubbles to come to the surface and pop before you flip. If bubbles are still coming up to the surface, the pancake isn’t done! You only want to flip the pancake once, so don’t rush it! If the pancake is burning on the bottom before the bubbles pop, turn down the heat a bit.

Is there anything better than a big ol’ stack of thick and fluffy pancakes, slathered in butter and dripping syrup? Come to mama, you beautiful breakfast you.

It turns out pouring syrup with your left hand and taking a picture with your right hand is hard, and sometimes ends up in pictures like this, where you are missing the pancakes entirely. Ha.

The weekend is calling you; make some pancakes to celebrate!

Thick and Fluffy Chocolate Chip Pancakes
- 1 egg
- 1 c milk
- 2 tbsp butter melted
- 1 1/2 c. flour
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- 2 Tbsp sugar
- 3/4 tsp salt
- 1 c chocolate chips
- Additional butter for cooking
- In a large bowl, beat egg until light and fluffy. Add 1 c milk and melted butter.
- Add flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt and mix until moistened. Stir in chocolate chips.
- Heat griddle over medium-high heat. Melt about 1 tbsp butter (can also use cooking spray, but butter is better!). Pour about 1/4 c batter onto griddle for each pancake. Cook until bubbles form and pop on the surface, then gently flip. Cook on the other side for 2-3 minutes. Serve warm with butter, syrup, and whipped cream.
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