This Bubble Braid is just a little bit funky, but totally fun and beyond easy. It’s perfect for those days where you want a little bit more than a messy bun or ponytail, but you don’t want your hair down in beachy waves.
I have a big thing about things “going” together. I like my clothes and accessories to be the same level of “fancy.” For example, I can’t wear a nice, chiffon blouse with light wash denim. They don’t “go” for some reason in my brain. I don’t like cotton shirts with tailored skirts. I don’t really know why, some things just aren’t the same mood! Among this odd preference, certain hairstyles are too casual or too fancy for certain outfits. A messy bun doesn’t go with a tailored cardigan in my brain. I don’t like cute and trendy flat iron waves when I’m wearing an ultra casual v-neck.
But sometimes I want to wear a funny t-shirt or really casual outfit, but I don’t want my hair to be as casual as a boring ponytail. I want something a little bit more stylish and edgy. But I still want it to be lightning fast.
Enter this Bubble Braid! I love this look. I recognize that it’s not something everyone wants to pull off, but I think it’s so fun and different. The back combed mohawk section and the ponytail bubbles between the elastics transforms a simple hairstyle into something a little more interesting and grown up. It’s a little punk rock, a little whimsical, and SO easy!
Bubble Braid
Tools needed:
4 small clear elastics
Here’s the how to!
Looking for other Super Fast Styles?
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