Looking presentable does not have to take long at all. Let me show you how I do it! I mean, how I get ready that is. I suppose the “looking presentable” bit is subjective.
This is what I looked like this morning, after I worked out, rinsed off, and got dressed.
I have less than 10 minutes of my almost-1-year-old contentedly playing with toys until he loses his mind, so I gotta get myself whipped into shape, and pronto.
I set a timer this morning, and this is exactly how long it took:
To turn this ——> into this.
I mean, look, I know I’m not ready for the red carpet, but I’m sure shootin’ ready for preschool pick up! It’s not my most glamorous look, but clocking in at 6 minutes and 47 seconds, it’ll do the trick! Hair and makeup done, and ready to be among the land of the living.
Today, we’re talking messy buns. Before we begin, I have a confession to make. I am a hairstylist. It is my profession to cut and style hair, and I consider myself pretty good at it. And yet. I sometimes seriously struggle with my own hair. And one look that continually stumped me is the messy bun. I know! It’s supposed to be the easiest hairstyle out there! I just couldn’t figure it out. It was always either too tight or too loose. I would try to twist and wrap and usually ended up with something like this:
Remind you of anyone?
It’s just not exactly the look I was hoping for.
But I finally figured it out with this genius little messy bun trick. Maybe you guys already know this and I’m the only dummy who couldn’t figure out messy buns. But if there is anyone else out there struggling with their messy buns and is tired of channeling the Trunchbull with their hair, this one’s for you!
Where’d they get this picture of me in the mornings?
Start by “messing up” your hair a bit. Spray in some dry shampoo and/or texture spray or even hairspray. Then flip your head upside down and rub it all in and fluff your hair up.

Backcomb the hair around your face and top of your head. Nothing crazy here, just rough it up and get some body. This is especially helpful if you, like me, have lots of 2 inch long hairs all around your hairline from postpartum hair regrowth. Backcomb those little hairs with the hairs behind them.

Next, smooth everything you’ve just backcombed. Don’t go too crazy and brush out the body- just blend it together and lightly comb it all back. If you have especially stubborn baby hairs that don’t wanna play ball, shoot ’em with a blast of hairspray and show ’em who’s boss.

Make sure you have a hair tie around your wrist for this next part!

Look very serious and concerned, and gather your hair into a high ponytail. These pictures are cracking me up. Please do not be intimidated by how beautiful and glamorous I am at all times. I’m just like you guys, only fancier.

Okay, here comes the trick. This is hard to take a picture of. Take your hand with the hair tie on the wrist and spread your fingers out. Thread your fingers through the base of your ponytail. Continue to look really worried about it.

With your fingers spread through your ponytail, pieces of hair between each finger, use the other hand to smooth the ponytail together.

Now, use your opposite hand to pull the ponytail holder over your spread fingers. Keeping your fingers in your hair, pull the hair through in a loop until you’re almost to the ends. Again, looking worried and angry here is key.

After your first wrap with the hair tie, remove your hand from your hair, twist the hair tie, and wrap around the other way, trying to grab any loose hairs.

Depending on the thickness of your hair, you may be done here, or you might need to wrap the hair tie around one or two more times.

Almost done! Pull random loops from your bun to loosen and shape to your desired height/looseness. Tuck any loose hairs into the hair tie at the base.

Now to loosen it up. Lumps and bumps in my ponytail make me feel like my entire life is out of control, but a straight back and tight bun is teetering dangerously towards sumo wrestler/Trunchbull territory. So here’s how to loosen it up a bit without losing control of your whole life. Take one finger and slide it under your hair, right in front of the bun. Slide it in until it pokes through on the other side, trying to keep the hair smooth.

Pull your finger forward, loosening up that section and adding some lived-in look to your bun.After that, you can give a few top pieces a little pull to loosen it to your liking.

Last step! Pull a few hairs out at your hairline, in front of your ears and around eye level. DO NOT pull hairs from your temple! That will make you look like you are headed off to prom in the 90s.

This is not what we’re going for. I know the 90s are coming back (barf), but let’s just leave these little hair pieces in the decade they belong.

And there you go! You are ready to pick up your kid and not have people ask you if you’re feeling okay or comment that you look tired. (Don’t you hate that?)
Next, take a few self indulgent pictures in different lighting of how serene and contemplative you are with your “I’m so casual and carefree but actually I care a lot” messy bun.
There you have it! From homeless to hottie in less than 7 minutes. Okay, I don’t know about that hottie part, but from “meth addict” to “just a Diet Coke addict” for sure.
And if none of that made any sense, here it is in video form. I’m telling you- you gotta look really worried and serious for this to turn out well.
The bun part of this lightning fast look takes maybe 90 seconds. Do you want to see my 5 minute face? Let me know and I’ll put together a video and tips for that too! In 6 minutes and 45 seconds, I can transform my look, which really transforms my entire attitude. The girl in the first picture is going to spend the day on the couch, and will probably eat Goldfish crackers and chocolate chips for lunch. The next girl is feeling decently cute and ready to tackle the day, and maybe even meet a friend for lunch without feeling like the conductor of the hot mess express. Who doesn’t have 7 minutes?
Hottie, indeed!!! You are sizzling hot! Impressive info, thanks SO much!
This is fabulous!!! I shared it and can’t wait for the face! Yes please!!