Before I had my tonsillectomy, I scoured the internet for everything I could find on what the heck I was getting myself into. I read over and over again about how getting your tonsils removed as an adult is brutal, and the recovery is horrifically painful and long. I braced myself for the horrors that awaited me, while still smugly and secretly hoping that everyone on the internet was a big whiny baby and it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.
I was both right and wrong. It wasn’t as terrible as many of the horror stories I’d read, but it was certainly much worse than I thought it would be.
After 8 years of recurrent strep throat, I thought I knew what a sore throat was. Those sore throats feel like a joke compared to what I just endured. I truly did not know my throat could even experience so much pain.
But, I’m 2 weeks post-op, back to regular life, and feeling mostly like a functioning human, so I thought I should add my own story. Should any other neurotic weirdos be scouring the internet for advice and first hand experiences.
So, the main takeaway from this experience is this:
- It’s gonna hurt like hell.
- You’re going to survive.
Day 1: Tonsils come out. Surgery day was a breeze! Thanks for the good stuff and the anesthesia, I slept most of the day, ate popsicles, and felt smug about my pain tolerance.
Day 2: The night was rough. I was very swollen and uncomfortable. I took my pain medication around the clock, and didn’t feel too terrible. Of course my throat hurt, but I was still feeling good and smug.
Day 3: Oh no. Pain is coming. I am feeling worse and not better which everyone told me and which I refused to believe. This is my routine, 24/7. Take pain medication. Eat a popsicle and sit with an ice pack and try not to cry. Feel less horrific for 1 hour and use this time to choke down some food and drink a crap ton of water. Perhaps sleep. Feel the pain set back in and return to popsicles and ice packs and praying for death. Take pain meds. Repeat cycle forever.
Day 4: Death come swiftly.
Day 5: I am setting my affairs in order and waiting for death.
Day 6: Just let me die. This is also the day that I started to have some bleeding and I FREAKED OUT, man. I gargled ice water constantly to stop the bleeding. Swallowing blood made me nauseous, and I was absolutely petrified of hemorrhaging and having to go back to the OR.
Day 7: Just let me die, ft. my kids, with whom I am reunited and happy to see but please don’t make me talk.
Day 8: Save me from this wretched world.
Day 9: Throats are stupid, tonsils are stupid, popsicles are stupid, everyone is stupid.
Day 10: Could it be? Could I perhaps be improving? Can I swallow without taking a moment to gather my courage and say a prayer for strength?
Day 11: I am eating real food. I am skipping doses of narcotics. I am crying tears of joy, it tastes so good.
Day 12: I still can’t sleep through the night, but days are at least no longer a living nightmare. I’m only taking ibuprofen during the day, but I still need the strong stuff at night.
Day 13: This feels like a regular case of strep throat, and I’m so relieved. I’m going to live.
- Never stop drinking water. Even when it hurts like crazy, never stop! Staying hydrated and keeping your throat moist is THE most important thing about healing. A dry throat is your enemy, and you will feel 300% worse if you get dehydrated.
- Get a humidifier. Aim it at your face while you’re sleeping.
- Stay on top of your pain medication. Don’t wait until you’re in horrific pain to take it! Put a sticky note on your medication bottle where you write down the time you take it because your drug addled brain will never remember. My surgeon told me it was fine to take ibuprofen, so I staggered my ibuprofen and my narcotic so I had some form of pain relief every 2 hours.
- Set an alarm to wake up overnight to drink water and take medicine. The nights were THE worst part for me. I woke up on my own every 2 hours or so, in horrendous pain. I would get up, have a couple gulps of applesauce so I could take pain meds, take my pain meds, drink water, and sit with an ice pack on my throat while I prayed for death/tried to fall asleep.
- Buy plenty of Cepacol Sore Throat drops. These are great for making sure you keep swallowing and numbing it while you swallow.
- Popsicles, popsicles, and more popsicles. The slow melting cold from the popsicle is life.
- As much as it pains me to say this, avoid dairy for the first week or so, when things are really swollen and raw. Ice cream made my throat so thick with mucous (sorry, ew) and made swallowing so difficult. After things had calmed down, I was able to enjoy my favorite frozen dairy confections.
- Sleep elevated.
- Get thee an ice pack. The hospital gave me one of those refillable ice packs and I had that thing on my throat constantly for the first week. It helps so much with the swelling and tightness.
- Chew gum. This helps your jaw not get so stiff and makes you swallow more.
- Pebbled ice. I drank ice cold water or chewed pebbled ice all day, every day.
- Applesauce. It was the easiest thing to choke down when I needed food in my stomach to tolerate my pain medication.
- Scrambled eggs. They have never tasted so good before.
- Popsicles. And a lot of them.
- Gum. Encourages swallowing and helps loosen up stiff muscles.
- Instant mashed potatoes. Gross at all other times; heaven when you’re living on popsicles and applesauce.
- Chick-Fil-A Iced Dream. Nothing in the world has ever tasted better to me once I could handle dairy.
- Slushies. I couldn’t drink thick things through a straw, so I ate it with a spoon.
- Bread. Bread was the first thing I could handle that wasn’t mush.
- Crackers that dissolve, like Ritz crackers or Club crackers. I was so happy to CHEW something, and these would get completely dissolved while I chewed, to make sure I wouldn’t scratch my throat when I swallowed.
Sleep is not your friend.
Night time was my enemy. I woke up from naps in agony. Any significant time without swallowing and drinking water left me waking up to a nightmare. So go to bed prepared. Bring applesauce pouches, water, your medication, throat drops, and an ice pack, and get it all set up so when you wake up in horror, you can quickly get some relief. Let your caretaker know to wake you up if you’re asleep when it’s time to take your next medication. Trust me, it is NOT worth sleeping through it.
Dairy is not your friend
Dairy made my throat full of thick mucous and made my saliva so thick and impossible to swallow. Sorry for that very gross sentence. I was very devastated by this, but ended up ditching the dairy for popsicles and sherbet.
Talking is terrible
I don’t know why this surprised me, but I was very surprised how painful it was to talk. I was extremely lucky to spend the first week recovering at my parent’s house, away from my 5 year old who, if he is breathing, he is also asking me questions. I didn’t talk much at all for the first week, because it made my throat so sore.
Your mouth will taste like death
Holy smokes, my mouth tasted so bad. I brushed my teeth like 6 times a day.
Your tongue and uvula might get enormous
My tongue got so swollen and sore! I woke up in the mornings with indentations on my tongue from being pressed against my teeth. My uvula felt like an enormous and painful disco ball back there.
There ya have it, folks. It sucked a big one. But I lived. I’ll report back in a few months if it feels like it was worth it. The idea of never getting another tonsil stone and getting a cold without the ensuing tonsilitis makes me very happy. And if I ever get strep throat again, I want my money back. And 2 weeks of my life.
Omg I’m so worried just got the news waiting for my surgery. I really appreciate your comments and this whole article. I will be prepped and ready so will my husband. Question how long should I take off of work?
I feel so validated right now! Thank you so much for sharing your experience! I had my tonsils out at 20yo after years of sore throats and being ill. I would rather give birth to my 9+ pound son without an epidural again than ever have my tonsils out as an adult again – not many people feel me when I say that but I know you will. Looking forward to reading your other posts. Thanks so much for sharing this!!
Hi, 18 year old here and honestly this made me smile. I’m currently on day 5 post-op and ngl I have only been eating dairy, trying not to drink/swallow when not necessary and sleeping as much as possible….maybe that’s why I hurt so much. Thanks for the sage advice. I’m going to try it out asap and hope it helps.
Thank you for this—- you spoke to me in so many ways… I am on day seven— waiting for death as you would say!!!
I hope to hear that you didn’t request a refund cause I hope for myself that all this pain is worth it!!!
I have my tonsillectomy coming up and am so nervous. Your article is the only one I have found that explains it so well and in such a great way! What kind of gum would you recommend? I’m so overwhelmed by my children being taken care of by others while I’m useless 🙁 being a control freak is really not helping!
I just got my tonsils removed 5 days ago. I actually did a lot of reading prior, but knowing you were still in pain until day 10 just made me feel loads better. I’ve been feeling like a miserable baby and have been trying so hard not to cry. Especially cause crying makes it worse!
I am the one that is having surgery next week and currently searching the entire internet for help and tips! Although I am laughing at this post, it has me scared for my life LOL!!! I am 35 and I have been putting off this surgery since 2008 because I’m scared. I have a high pain tolerance, but it sounds like you did too! I am going grocery shopping tomorrow so if you have any additional ideas that I should pick up let me know! Thank you so much for this!!!
I am 62 years old and never in a million years thought I would have to have these bad boys taken out.. I had tonsils rocks or pellets (disgusting smelling morsels of bacteria more like maggots).
Anyway, loved you blog, yes my experience has been very similar (please…am I dead yet). I am on day 7 and have already lost 7 lbs. water water water! Cannot get enough of it! I bought protein drinks but it jus gave me the worst phlegm and it’s like glue, you can’t seem to get it out if your mouth. I split and it just hangs there. I finally have to get a tissue and wipe my tongue.
Thank Jesus for Pain Meds, I took every 4 hours no matter what. Last night I would have taken them every2 hours but I know that is frowned upon so followed the rules and tookMotrin instead. So far I do a lot of sleeping. Which for me has been great except the I have to wake up to stabbing burning pain from hell in the dry wasteland of my mouth. I never knew my mouth could get that dry … again water is the savior. So I am counting down the days to more normalcy. Thank you for letting me know that there is light at the end of the tunnel cuz to be frank, it doesn’t feel like I’m ever gonna ever get there.
My surgery is happening in about 36 hours. This has been good to read. I am preparing for the worst. I’m having a deviated septum repaired at the same time. Im just hoping the pain is worth it!
43 years old, just had mine removed 7/31/20. I don’t usually post in forums or blogs but, I had to with yours. This page absolutely had me rolling on the floor laughing!!! Well, in my mind I was because that would be great if I could out loud! FYI, I’m a former Marine and have dealt with plenty of pain in my life but, this one is definitely in my top 5 which includes a broken nose in three places. It hurts a lot however; as long as I don’t talk, open my mouth for a long period of time and keep hydrated then, it’s at least somewhat tolerable. Thanks so much for this post and to put a smile on my soul!
Got mine out the same day! I’ve been embarrassed thinking my pain tolerance isn’t nearly what it used to be and I’m just not taking it well. It’s good to know this is actually legit pain! Hope you’re recovering well, we’re in this together haha!
Had mine removed July 9th. Dr warned horrible pain and bad breath. Had NONE of this. First week was not bad and I only took 600mg ibuprofen. Talking never hurt. It was nothing compared to my years of strep. Week 2 was much more uncomfortable but never severe pain. I was prepared for the worst. It is a slow process but for me, at age 44, has not been bad at all!!
Ur super lucky and i, as well as many other im sure, am so so so jealous that you had such an easy time. My timeline has been about the same as the op’s. Death come swiftly please!
Thanks so much for your story! I am on Day 17 of recovery and significantly better but still on soft foods. I avoided most literature pre-op because I didn’t want to know TOO much! Reading your article today has given me a good laugh because it completely validates my own recent experience and it feels nice to commiserate. My biggest struggle was having to ditch the narcotics soon after surgery because, even when taken with food and anti-nausea meds, the nausea and heartburn were unbearable. The doc put me on max doses of alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen instead. They were less effective for pain management, but I was willing to endure pain over nausea. Thanks again for the great story; you captured it perfectly!
Just got my tonsils out on the 10th! I’m 20 years old and I’ve had 2 knee surgeries and this tonsillectomy has been far worse pain wise! I am about a week down and your article has helped a lot. I agree with everything you said! I’m hoping that I start feeling better by day 10 like you said! Thanks for writing and thanks for sharing such a personal experience!
Hey there! I had mine out on June 10th also! So we are on the same recovery day. How are you feeling today?
38 years old, had mine removed on the 11th. This entire post is truth and pretty much my experience as well. I’m glad you made it, I stopped taking my narcotics yesterday and now only on an as needed basis. Thank you for the reassurance and tips, I’ve read this post several times just for the mental boost lol.
I am so glad you survived!! Missed you!